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First Response : OSSTF6A apk indir apk download


First Response : OSSTF6A apk indir apk download mod apk indir

Bu uygulama, ihtiyaç duyduklarında üyeleri arkadaş destek görevlileri ile ilişkilendirir.

First Response: Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation District 6A is an app/system that connects members to fellow peer support workers who have been trained to assist members in connecting to the tools and resources provided or recommended by their organization.

First Response is a system with two distinct elements: a mobile application for use by frontline staff and members, and an administrative dashboard. When a member is overwhelmed by concerns at work or home, they can request contact from a member of their organization’s Peer Support team. The appropriate Peer support person is then alerted and the request is responded to and managed by the wellness team. Concerns about privacy and best practices are taken into consideration, ensuring a safe and secure delivery model.

The goal of First Response is to equip organizations to implement, track, and manage a peer-support based wellness initiative.

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