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DHWCPage – WooCommerce Page Builder – free download – nulled


DHWCPage – WooCommerce Page Builder with WPBakery Page Builder current version 5.1.x available for download!

You have the problem concerning customize the WooCommerce pages likes :My Account, Checkout, Cart or Shop page… on your site ? Do not worry !! DHWCPage can help you customize WooCommerce with WPBakery Page Builder plugin that will help you to create any layout for WooCommerce Page very fast and easy. No coding skills required!

Not only that, DHWCPage gives you full control content of single products page. You can design any layout for single product page and get them to look just right. The right product page design can make a huge difference in terms of convincing your visitors to follow through with their purchase.

And that’s not all! With this plugin, designers or developer will complete eCommerce projects faster and deliver a much more stable and flexible store.

It is really easy to cutomize WooCommerce pages with DHWCPage plugins.

Demo Pages

  • Custom Cart page
  • Custom Checkout page
    • Support Checkout field edior: re-order, disable or add custom fields..
  • Custom My Account page
  • Custom Product Taxonomies page: Category, Tag…
  • Single products page:
    • Simple Product
    • Varible Product
    • Extra Product Options
  • Single products images slider custom:
    • Single Product Images Vertical
    • Single Product Images Horizontal
    • Single Product Images Overlay


  • Require WPBakery Page Builder plugin or Fusion Builder in Avada theme to work
  • Easily Installation.
  • Easily configure.
  • User-friendly.
  • Support Woocommerce shortcodes
  • Support create single product by each categories
  • Support create single product by product types: Simple, Grouped, Variable, Downloadable, Virtual product
  • Support create single product for each products
  • Support edit default templates in plugin through overrides it in your theme
  • Support display product description and review separately (no tabs).
  • Work with any theme
    • Compatible with WooCommerce Extra Product Options
    • Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings
    • Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields
    • Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
    • Compatible with WooCommerce Germanized
    • Compatible with MarketPress German Market
    • Compatible with Fancy Product Designer
  • and much more…

Frontend Builder for Single Product

Full WooCommerce Shortcodes

Single Product

My Account



Work with any theme


- Add style for Checkout Thankyou message 
- Fix Single Product Gallery slider issues 
- Tested with WooCommerce latest version.
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add support WooCommerce Checkout Fields editor 

- Add support Fusion Builder in Avada theme
- Add support custom template for Product Attribute is public
- Tested with WooCommerce and WordPress latest version. 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Tested with WooCommerce 4.x
-  Support disable Product featured image in Gallery shortcode
- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix problem dupcate content in Cart and Checkout page

- Add Single product image setting thumbnail columns 
- Tested with WooCommerce and WordPress latest version

- Fix problem when use 'Preview Template Editor' 
- Fix CSS issues
- Change product image size in WC Single Product Image shortcode
- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix problem products archive not show

- Fix problem when use Single Product shortcode 
- Add custom style for My Account Navigation
- Fix duplicate content with use Custom template for Cart, Checkout, My Account page 
- Fix problem in My Account login form 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add support Custom Account dashboard tab 
- Fix problem in product lightbox 
- Add custom font style for Price shortcode 

- Add custom gallery images for single product image shortcode
- Add support responsive My Account menu 
- Add support select attributes to display in Single Product
- Small fixes and improvements

- Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6
- Add support custom template for each product types 
- Add support custom style and font family for product title 
- Change pages template settings to sub-tabs  
- Add Edit Shop link on admin bar 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add support custom Shop page 
- Add support custom product taxonomy page. 
- Add support custom Cart page 
- Add support custom Cart page when empty 
- Add support custom Checkout page 
- Add support custom Thank you page 
- Add support custom account page 
- Add support custom Account login page 
- Add plugin settings in menu "WooCommerce -> Settings -> Page Templates" 
- Add "Page Template" allow create page template for: Cart empty, Checkout thankyou, Account login page. 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add Single Product SKU shortcode 
- Add Single Product Term 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix problem shortcode not work 
- Back to support Cornerstone plugin 
- Fix small problems

- Remove support Cornerstone plugin 
- Fix problem when use Preview Template Builder 
- Fix problem when use with old version of VC
- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix problem when apply template for all product
- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix custom css of shortcode
- Fix problem when use sender type is "Email Field" 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add setting "Default Custom Template for product" in menu "WooCommerce Settings -> Products -> Display" 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Add new Product Template post type in menu "Products -> Product Template" 
- Add setting "Product Template Type" in menu "WooCommerce Settings -> Products -> Display" 
- Change "WC Single Product shortcodes" list to only display in post type of setting "Product Template Type" 
- Add Preview Editor after assign template for product 
- Add VC css editor for each shortcodes of plugin 
- Small fixes and improvements

- Small fixes and improvements

- Fix problem when use plugin with shortcode 'product_page'
- Add Fancy Product Designer shortcode.
- Fix problem with Jupiter theme.

- Add edit Custom Template when view Product 
- Change shortcode 'dhvc_woo_product_custom_field' to 'dhvc_woo_product_page_custom_field' 
- Change shortcode 'dhvc_woo_product_page_custom_field' to 'dhvc_woo_product_page_acf_field' 
- Change filter 'dhvc_woo_product_page_custom_field_value' to 'dhvc_woo_product_page_acf_field' 
- Change filter 'dhvc_woocommerce_post_type_template' to 'dhvc_woocommerce_page_template_type' 
- Change shortcode 'dhvc_woo_product_breadcrumb' to 'dhvc_woo_product_page_breadcrumb'

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